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My name is Alberto Mercado and I'm a freelance photographer and painter from Sturbridge, Mass.
I'm definitely an outdoor person and it's reflected in the work I do with photography. Living here in New England has given me the chance to take advantage of the four seasons so that I can be able to capture it's beauty and display it for others around the country to appreciate what they are missing. Photography is a part of me and I'm part of photography. I need the canvas (nature) to be able to create art but also nature needs the eye of the photographer to capture the essence of what it has to offer. Besides all this, my art is also about finding peace and tranquility in each peace of photograph you see, either from the ocean at Cape Cod, the mountains of Vermont, NH and Canada or the beauty of the Arizona deserts. I couldn't just stop here in the Northeast, I traveled north to Canada, west to Arizona and south to the Caribbean to find that special shot that will mean something to someone. That's what this website is all about.
Country music is a big part of who I am and it plays an even bigger part in my work. Perhaps it's because this type of music has a message behind it which is what I'm doing with my artwork.  Enjoy the site.
If you wish to contact me regarding one of my prints or for my photography services, please contact me at the address below. Don't forget to leave your full name, telephone number and best time to contact you. Thank you.



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